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Enterprise Identity Cloud Administration Guide

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Managing Archived Files

You can now use the Archival Library page, warm storage, to download the archived data in a readable file format. On this page, you can filter out the data based on the file name, date of archival and category of the archival. Additionally, you can sort the data based on the category and date.


You can access the Archival Library page only if you are assigned the Archival feature with the SAV role. However, the granular level of access is also controlled through the SAV role.

  • If you have access to view the Completed Tasks list, you can see the tasks specific archival files.

  • If you have access to view the Admin - useraudittrail list, you can see the userAudittrail specific archival files.

  • If you have access to view the list of jobs in the Job History page, you can see the Job history specific archival files.

To download the archived files, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to EIC and navigate to Admin > Archival Library. Alternatively, enter Archival Library in the search box and select the required menu item. For more information, see Using the Unified Navigation.

  2. Under Category, select the type of archived file that you want to download. You can select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

    • User Login Access

    • Job History

  3. Select the date range (Archival Period Start and Archival Period End) for which you want to view the archived data.

    The Archival Library table displays the following details:

    Column Description
    JOB ID Displays the job id.
    CATEGORY Displays the category to which a particular record belong to.
    ARCHIVAL DATE Displays the date on which the Archival job trigger was started for a particular category.
    ARCHIVAL PERIOD START Displays the start date of the archival time period. For example, if the default trigger of the Archival job runs on Jan 7, 2023, it archives data present beyond 11pm from Dec 31, 2022 until Jan 7, 2023 before 11pm. In this case, the ARCHIVAL PERIOD START date will be Dec 31, 2022 and ARCHIVAL PERIOD END date will be Jan 7, 2023.
    ARCHIVAL PERIOD END Displays the end date of the archival time period.

    SIZE (mb)

    Displays the file size in mega bytes.


    Click the download icon to download the archived files.

  1. Click Apply. Based on the conditions specified in the filter, the data is displayed.

  2. Under the ACTION column, click the download icon to download the file. The file is downloaded in the .zip format.

If no records are associated with a category and you download the file, the File not found message is displayed.

While downloading the file:

  • If the file size is less than 5GB, SSM downloads the file to your local drive.

  • If the file size exceeds 5GB, SSM displays an alert message in the User Interface and the download does not proceed further.

  1. Extract the file and open the .xls file to view the data.

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